XAIS-PTS understand the importance of Health & Safety and acknowledges that our work activities have the potential to impact our employees and the wider public. Therefore, we have a duty of care and advocate a transparent and comprehensive approach to Health & Safety management. XAIS-PTS maintains the highest standards of occupational health and safety in all aspects of business activities, which are carried out in accordance with internationally recognised standards: ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. Consequently, as outlined in our integrated policy, we ensure compliance with legal requirements and appropriate codes of practice. We also champion our employees ' health and wellbeing through our Investors in People, Mindful Employer and Investors in Diversity accreditations.

The Company’s aims and objectives with respect to Health & Safety are to: 

  • Commit to health and safety practices consistent with the Health and Safety at Work Act and associated regulations applicable to our activities.
  • Provide and deliver our activities/services in a manner that ensures customer’s H&S requirements have been fully understood and met.
  • Maintain our commitment to continual improvement, including improving the effectiveness of policies and procedures. 
  • Ensuring that employees are provided with suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and, where necessary, supervision to enable them to work safely.
  • Ensure positive relationships and cooperation with customers, suppliers, interested parties and members of the wider community. 
  • Provide safe plant and equipment, ensuring all work areas operate under safe systems of work in line with safety standards and risk assessments, and control measures are implemented and followed within reasonably practicable limits. 
  • Utilise innovative thinking and value engineering and give due consideration to health and safety issues in all business strategies and initiatives wherever possible.
  • Ensure that, where identified by risk assessment, personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided and used. 
  • Provide safe premises, a safe place of work, safe access to and safe egress from it with adequate welfare, fire and first aid facilities, which extends to ensuring appropriate welfare arrangements are in place for remote/lone workers.  
  • Ensure appropriate safety measures are in place with respect to non-employees who may be impacted by business activities, for example use of Risk Assessment, PPE, warning signage, traffic management and public consultation as applicable. 

These aims and objectives will be measured through Key Performance Indicators and achieved by:

  • Proactive H&S performance measurement and monitoring.
  • Routine safety inspections and competence evaluation. 
  • Accident reporting, investigation and the recording of near misses and non-conformities. 
  • Internal and external audits, for the improvement of the service to our customers and the enhancement of the Integrated Management System as a whole.

Furthermore, our health and safety procedures will be implemented through proactive consultation in line with the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 and XAIS-PTS shall consult with employees about the following:  

  • the introduction of any measure which may substantially affect health and safety at work, e.g. the introduction of new equipment or new systems of work, such as the speed of a process line or shift-work arrangements.
  • arrangements for getting competent people to help XAIS-PTS comply with health and safety laws (a competent person is someone who has the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to help XAIS-PTS meet the requirements of health and safety law).
  • the information XAIS-PTS must give employees on the risks and dangers arising from their work, measures to reduce or get rid of these risks and what employees should do if they are exposed to a risk.
  • the planning and organisation of health and safety training which is critical for managing and mitigating risks to employees and the wider public.

Consequently, comprehensive Policies, Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Test Procedures are in place and regularly reviewed and updated where appropriate as part of our ISO 45001 Certified Management System.