What is it?

It is now more critical than ever that all local authorities have an effective monitoring process across their entire road network to meet the requirements. XAIS-PTS can help whether you need to test your:

  • Entire Network
  • Strategic Routes
  • Accident Hot Spots
  • New Thin Surface Sites
  • Retextured Sites (Before and After)

Benefits and Versatility

The GripTester, arguably the most cost effective, reliable and deployable skid resistance tester, has recently undertaken major trials at the Transport Research Laboratory in Crowthorne. Outstanding results were achieved for repeatability and reproducibility both in straight lines and on road curvature. These results show that the GripTester will not only outperform any other device available but will make the local authority testing and analysis task significantly easier.

Additional Services

XAIS-PTS offers a variety of additional UKPMS services, including SCRIM, CVI, DVI, and FNS, in addition to SCANNER. We also provide asset inventory surveys, the new Annual Engineers Inspection, and cater to bespoke survey requirements. Looking for post-survey analysis and reporting support, our consultancy team can also provide a variety of statutory and tailored consultancy solutions.